If the thought of dress up games makes you think of the weaker sex playing around with fashion plates, you are only partly right. But as any fashionista will tell you, understanding fashion and using it to your advantage is certainly not an easy sport. You might not break a sweat, but playing dress up games is not for wimps.
What is a Dress Up Game?
Dress up games are relatively straight forward. A doll base is available online and you then select hairstyles and make up. Once you have your base styled correctly, you can go on to add the sorts of clothing that you would like to see on the doll. The finished product is one that is to your liking - even if it is not to anyone else is. Dress up games are so simply in theory that they are often dismissed in practice.
However, as simple as it sounds to dress a doll online, it is a bit more complex than dressing a Barbie doll. A Barbie doll has about ten outfits at the max, usually just one. And getting her dress is a simple task - everything matches. Imagine that Barbie with over five hundred items of clothing, accessories and style elements. It becomes much more challenging. When you have that much stuff to work with, dressing a Barbie certainly is not for the faint of heart.
Wimpy Dress Up Games
There are some games online that are wimpy. These are the games that do not require much skill, thought or even attention. Push a button and see what happens. Click on the mouse and gain a point. But having to plan ahead and use your brain to find new methods to do the same thing over and over again is a novel experience. You will learn quite a bit more about yourself and how you like to arrange things than you might have previously considered.
The truth is, dress up games use quite a bit of mental energy. As you are playing the games, you will be thinking ahead every step of the way - you begin with the end in mind. Plan the doll's complete look around a certain fashion element. Start putting the pieces together and work continuously to improve the look and make it even better. The finished product is something you have used creativity, patience and persistence to create. And that's certainly not something just anyone can claim to do on a daily basis.
Loving Dress Up Games
Once you realize how much reward there is for the basic work of the fashion games, it is easy to fall in love with the process. The games do require stamina and patience, but the finished product can be printed off, pinned to the wall or used to decorate notebooks. When your friends ask where you got such a great piece, get ready to brag. After all, you made it.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Dress Up Games Are Not For Wimps