It is that time of year again when everyone seems to be hosting parties, and not just your average run of the mill parties, but yes you have guessed it, fancy dress parties. You have already been to 3 fancy dress parties this year, and you have already gone as Batman, Superman, and James Bond, you have seen 20 Robin Hoods, 30 cowboys, and countless pirates, you are having a fancy dress costume overload.
Similarly your partner is in the same situation, but you both still need to organize your outfit for the next party, what to do? One option is to go as a couple! Not just to arrive and hopefully leave together, but to dress up as a famous duo.
This opens up a whole new range in the world of fancy dress, plus you and your significant other can literally become one as the concept of your outfit only works with both of you together. As Paul Young once sang 'Love is in the air'.
So you and your boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancé, husband, wife, spouse, significant other, lover, have decided to go as a costume couple, who is there to choose from?
Movie Fancy Dress – movie couples are great because there are so many of them! You can choose from Austin Powers and Felicity Shagwell, Matrix Neo and Trinity, Thunderbirds Parker and Penelope, Scooby Doo and Shaggy, or Flintstones Fred and Wilma. Have a look at your DVD selection and see what couples come up. It can be as simple as Maverick and Lieutenant 'Charlie' Blackwood from Top Gun (Kelly McGillis), or maybe Mulder and Scully. The possibilities are endless and can be as simple or as ‘fancy' as you like.
Time Period Fancy Dress – your couple doesn't even have to be a specific famous couple it can simply depict a couple from a certain time. What do we mean? Well you can dress as a couple from the 50's, or the 60's or the 1920's, choose a particular time such as the Victorian times, or the Tudors, or a Western couple. Research the different time periods and have a look to see what takes your 'fancy'.
Disney Couples – have you always wanted to be Cinderella? Have you ever dreamed of being a Prince and saving your beautiful princess from the evil witch in the bell tower? Now is your chance. There are many Disney couples to choose from: Belle and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty and Prince Phillip, Cinderella and the Prince, Shrek and Fiona, Peter and Wendy and many more.
Let your imagination run wild in the world of Disney.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Fancy Dress for Couples