In our days of fast paced advertising, Bratz dolls have come to gain a well-earned place alongside the legendary Barbie girl dolls.We all know how, for quite a while, Barbie was the only name that would pop in our head in connection to anything related to fashion dolls. Barbie was indeed one notch above the rest and it was hard looking for a worthy rival, that is, until Bratz dolls were placed beside it in the store shelves.
Now, little girls most of the time can't help but love both dolls. And some even dare argue that Bratz dolls are way funkier, hippier and loads more fun to go make-believe with!
It's actually hard to argue otherwise, since in the doll's first five years, a hundred and twenty-five million got sold around the globe, and, in 2005, global sales of Bratz and Bratz products even reached two billion dollars.
Enter Bratz games online, wherein you still get to play with the same exact dolls, with the same expansive variety of clothing and accessories, and very much for free on a number of websites. Let's go take a look at some of these girl games.
Dress Up Games
Dress up games will give both little girls and adults the opportunity to come up with unique fashion concepts based on their own tastes. What each website will show are the dolls ready to test and try on the different accessories and clothing styles shown on a convenient menu. If you’re interested in movie dress up, fairy dress up, or some foreign country dress up, then check out Bratz makeover games, although there are still a host of others worth checking out too. The themes may also be mythological, or even may be about your favorite pop group or animal suit.
Makeup Games
In case clothing choices and accessories prove to be inadequate for what you want to check out, a makeup game lets you really apply make-up on a virtual doll and allows you to preview and compare various styles before finally saving and printing. The make up games are so advanced, there are even kinds of make up which include everything from eyeshadow, even glitter or face paint.
Bratz Games
And now, the Bratz games at last ! These teenage dolls are immediately seen as carefully designed, and vastly different from similar toys in the past, driving home a unique motive for buying. Their bodies are remarkably skinny and quite literally out of proportion to their enlarged heads and legs; their also seem way too long.
Eyes are heightened by make-up, size and positioning and their lips are puckered and definitely glossy with lipstick. Their thick hair is almost never without a complementary funky hat. Follow your favorite characters online. Bratz makeover games also come in various catchy Flash application versions that do not tire the eyes with glare. Try assembling an outfit that is sure to wow the people you know.
With the lightning quick Internet right at our fingertips, girl games are enabled to help you enjoy that makeover experience.
Now, little girls most of the time can't help but love both dolls. And some even dare argue that Bratz dolls are way funkier, hippier and loads more fun to go make-believe with!
It's actually hard to argue otherwise, since in the doll's first five years, a hundred and twenty-five million got sold around the globe, and, in 2005, global sales of Bratz and Bratz products even reached two billion dollars.
Enter Bratz games online, wherein you still get to play with the same exact dolls, with the same expansive variety of clothing and accessories, and very much for free on a number of websites. Let's go take a look at some of these girl games.
Dress Up Games
Dress up games will give both little girls and adults the opportunity to come up with unique fashion concepts based on their own tastes. What each website will show are the dolls ready to test and try on the different accessories and clothing styles shown on a convenient menu. If you’re interested in movie dress up, fairy dress up, or some foreign country dress up, then check out Bratz makeover games, although there are still a host of others worth checking out too. The themes may also be mythological, or even may be about your favorite pop group or animal suit.
Makeup Games
In case clothing choices and accessories prove to be inadequate for what you want to check out, a makeup game lets you really apply make-up on a virtual doll and allows you to preview and compare various styles before finally saving and printing. The make up games are so advanced, there are even kinds of make up which include everything from eyeshadow, even glitter or face paint.
Bratz Games
And now, the Bratz games at last ! These teenage dolls are immediately seen as carefully designed, and vastly different from similar toys in the past, driving home a unique motive for buying. Their bodies are remarkably skinny and quite literally out of proportion to their enlarged heads and legs; their also seem way too long.
Eyes are heightened by make-up, size and positioning and their lips are puckered and definitely glossy with lipstick. Their thick hair is almost never without a complementary funky hat. Follow your favorite characters online. Bratz makeover games also come in various catchy Flash application versions that do not tire the eyes with glare. Try assembling an outfit that is sure to wow the people you know.
With the lightning quick Internet right at our fingertips, girl games are enabled to help you enjoy that makeover experience.